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PARAT PU-M 3,0 mit Aqua-Stop

93616 / 5,5x1m / 5,5m²/Rolle inkl. Alu-Tape

Parkett-/ Laminatunterlage. Hight-Tech-Akustikmatte aus Polyurethan/ Mineralien mit den besten Allroundeigenschaften. Langlebig und ideal für Gehschallverbesserung, Trittschalldämmung, Druckbelastung, Fußbodenheizung und Ausgleich von Unebenheiten in nahezu allen Einsatzbereichen.
Height in mm: 3.0
Length in mm: 5500
Width in mm: 1000
Wood is a natural product, variations in color and structure are inevitable and properties of the natural product wood. A sample therefore does not have to match the later delivery and therefore cannot convey the overall impression of a laid area. The same applies to the illustrations on this website / web shop, these are also to be equated with the representation of a sample.