Parquet cleaner for lacquered floors
Depending on the stress your parquet requires regular cleaning and care. The varnish sealant protects the wood from external influences. But over time, the film wears off - especially due to abrasive dirt and dust particles. Read more
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In order to slow down this process, both proper cleaning and gentle parquet care are the be-all and end-all. In this way, your parquet floor shines even after many years with impeccable condition.
Parkett Hinterseer offers you a wide range of effective parquet cleaners for lacquered floors!
What distinguishes parquet cleaners for sealed floors?
Generally, a distinction is made between parquet cleaners and parquet care products. Cleaners for lacquered parquet do not contain film-forming care components, but cleaning substances that do not attack the lacquer layer. Care products, on the other hand, give the surface a film that additionally protects the delicate wooden floor from chemical and mechanical influences. Thus, you extend the life and ensure the integrity of your solid parquet .
Which cleaning agents are available?
Intensive cleaner
Master Cleaner
Parquet care products
Parquet care
The PARAT®-Intensive Cleaner is a wiping water additive that removes grease, dirt and old cleaning and care product residues from your lacquered floors without leaving any residues. It can be used for both sealed and oiled parquet floors.
Mit dem Parkettreiniger säubern und pflegen Sie lackierte Holz-, Vinyl- und Laminatböden in Windeseile. The soap cleaner not only removes dirt, but also gives the parquet a resistant surface against spills. The WOCA Master Cleaner is especially suitable for use in the kitchen.
Das Parkett-Polish from Bona is a water-based care product that refreshes the surface of your parquet floor while making it more resistant to cleaning agents. It provides a new shine and long-lasting protection against scratches and signs of use.
After application, the parquet care results in a dirt-repellent care film on the parquet floor, which thus additionally protects against wear and scratches. This prolongs the life of the coating. The parquet care is available in different gloss levels.
Care for lacquered parquet: 6 tips
VSealed parquet flooring is considered to be easier to maintain than oiled parquet. Warum? The applied varnish closes the wood pores and prevents dust, dirt and moisture from penetrating into the wood.
You should take note of this:
- Use only parquet cleaner and care products, that are suitable for lacquered parquet. Otherwise, the varnish may peel, discoloration of the floorboards and a lackluster parquet surface.
- Use water sparingly when mopping. Too much moisture can damage the wooden floor and cause it to swell.
- When caring for lacquered parquet, pamper it with a parquet care product as needed. This fills scratches, revives dull surfaces and provides long-lasting protection against wear.
- Remove coarse dirt as soon as possible with a vacuum cleaner or broom. The brush should be suitable for wooden floors.
- Clean your parquet with two buckets - one with soapy water and one with clear water to rinse the mop.
- In rooms such as kitchen or bathroom, where the risk of water is greater, you can apply Parquet Polish. This way your floor will be better protected.