Echtholz-Furnierleisten – elegant und formschön
Damit Ihr Fußboden einen sauberen und ansprechenden Abschluss findet, komplettieren Sie ihn mit passenden Sockelleisten. Diese erfüllen nicht nur einen dekorativen Zweck, sondern punkten zusätzlich mit praktischen Vorzügen. Für Ihren Holzboden müssen es keine Massivholzleisten sein? Dann entdecken Sie Furnierleisten, die eine edle und kostengünstige Alternative darstellen. Mehr lesen
Content: 2.5 Running meter
€4.34*/ Running meter
€10.86* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.5 Running meter
€4.34*/ Running meter
€10.86* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.4 Running meter
€4.55*/ Running meter
€10.91* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.5 Running meter
€4.64*/ Running meter
€11.60* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.5 Running meter
€4.99*/ Running meter
€12.47* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.4 Running meter
€5.48*/ Running meter
€13.14* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.4 Running meter
€6.01*/ Running meter
€14.42* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.4 Running meter
€6.15*/ Running meter
€14.77* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.5 Running meter
€7.89*/ Running meter
€19.73* per packagaging unit
Content: 2.4 Running meter
€8.32*/ Running meter
€19.97* per packagaging unit
real wood veneer strips
The noble alternative to solid wood skirtings
A skirting board with real wood veneer is the elegant and inexpensive solution for sophisticated demands, if you do not need solid wood skirting boards for the finishing of your floor covering. The real wood veneers applied to the skirting board come close to a solid wood skirting board both visually and haptically in a deceptively real way. With the skirtings from our webshop you will find exactly the right finish for the individual design wishes of your flooring.
Skirting boards for easy mounting
The real wood veneer of our first-class mouldings encases a softwood core and is available in all common wood species, such as walnut, oak, beech, maple or cherry. For the classic, natural country house style, we recommend veneers of oak or walnut, for the modern living style, we recommend veneers of light maple or contrasting smoked oak. Ultimately, however, your personal preferences and ideas are in demand. With us you decide from a large selection for your favorite.
Functionality meets style
As with our decore skirtings, you have the choice between straight-cut and curved profiles and different heights of your real wood veneer mouldings.
Like all skirtings from our webshop, our real wood veneer skirtings also convince with versatile and easy installation options. They can be installed on base profiles or, if desired, screwed or glued to the wall. Discover with us real wood veneer mouldings, which in various forms also meet your requirements.